Friday, November 1, 2013

This week we discussed this question: Why or how does the birth and care of a child frequently lead to decreased marital satisfaction? 
It is important, first, to remember that decreased marital satisfaction doesn't necessarily mean they are unhappy in the marriage.  Bringing a new baby into the world is a new thing especially for a new couple who is still learning and growing together.  Up until this point it has only been the two of them, but now they are adding a third person into the relationship.  Once this happens the attention that was all going to the other spouse is now having to be divided between the spouse and a child.  I think this is why they say they are experiencing decreased marital satisfaction.  It's not that their love decreases any, hopefully it grows with the birth of the child, but now the husband isn't receiving as much attention from the wife.  The wife spends a lot of time taking care of the baby which can be very time consuming and tiring so the time they may have spent together talking or doing other activities in the past is now devoted to taking care of the baby and making sure mom is taken care of.  They can overcome the idea that a baby makes them grow apart by making sure the nurturing and care taking of the baby isn't all just the mom's job.  If they find new things to do together with the baby involved then they are building a relationship between the three of them as a family.  Also, they still need to make sure they are getting one on one time with each other.  It's okay to hire a babysitter to come look after the baby for a few hours so they can go on a real date.  Or, once the baby is in bed, make sure they take that time to talk and do other things and just be together.  It definitely won't be easy though because you are changing the whole family structure by adding a child.

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